Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Roman Forum

Tuesday found us visiting the city of Roma and spending time at the Roman Forum. There is so much to see in this historical place, and there will always be something new being discovered and uncovered. Our driver dropped us off at a side entrance as we already had our tickets so we were able to get moving through ahead of several large groups. I would advise reading up on the specific parts of the Forum that you are interested in seeing before you go so that you might have a better understanding of its role in civilization at the time of its modern existence. There are audio guides available, and of course you can hire a tour guide to explain more about what you are seeing. It is really hot there with only limited places where a breeze finds its way, but there are also a few places where you can readily refill your water bottles with fresh water. A stop I side the Tempio di Romolo offers a bit of air conditioned reprieve from the heat, plus it has some frescoes and a really cool dome inside.

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